The Coming of MINI CHAOS by The Loyal Subjects x Joe Ledbetter

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Loyal Subjects x Joe Ledbetter announces the coming of MINI CHAOS, and all we have to show now is this promo teaser video. "More details and info coming October 17th."

I personally do not own a single blister-carded "regular sized" CHAOS BUNNY (simply cannot afford to collect them), and am looking forward to this incarnation (hopefully affordable for me to collect), and seriously hoping that it will not be a "blind-boxed" though …

Here is a handy spread of the Chaos Bunnies released thus far:

UPDATED with first teaser:

1 comment

  1. I personally do not own a single blister-carded "regular sized" CHAOS BUNNY (simply cannot afford to collect them), and am looking forward to ...
