"The Book Of Hugs" by Attaboy: Announcement / Previews / Q&A

Sunday, October 13, 2013


If you've been following Daniel Seifert aka Attaboy's Artist Facebook stream for a while, you've no doubt seen his HUG drawings, featuring a variety of huggery stances, from the ohgoshadorable, to the funny, to the ohthatsprettykinkyilike scenarios! And lo and behold, they are to be collected and published in a book!

"I'm very pleased to announce that I've just made a book deal with the great Last Gasp of San francisco to bring my Hug drawings to life in book form! The Book of Hugs will be a small hardcover book out sometime next year and feature the best of the Hug related drawings I've been force feeding all of you the past 6 months or so. I'd like to thank everyone for supporting, commenting , and suggesting their favorites, and thank my wife Annie Owens-Seifert for encouraging such nonsense from me. Please don't stop tho: I'll need your input to help shape the book and pick the best Hugs to include. Thanks!" -announced Daniel Seifert (Co-founder at Hi-Fructose Magazine.)

TOYSREVIL: How did the HUG concept for illustrations come about to you? And what is the status of the book now?

ATTABOY: About nine months ago, our family situation had a bit of a poop storm and to make things worse, I had two high profile projects which I was involved with get nixed in the same week. Im not complaining (i have the best job and wife), but there ya go. After a few weeks of licking wounds, I started drawing these horrible little drawings with the cheapest pen I could find to cheer myself up. The first was "Excuse to Smell your Coconut Shampoo Hug".

ATTABOY: I've never shown such raw and goofy things publicly before, but its really more me than not. I posted a few on my personal FB and, although I don't have many followers, response was great from all sorts of people, even people i knew from grade school and I couldn't help but draw more, like dozens more! last Gasp saw them and we now have The Book of Hugs hardcover book coming next year!


I like hugs. Heck, I LOVE HUGS! I'm a hugger and a snuggler at heart (even though we weren't brought up as such in the Heng Family ;p), and this certainly put a smile on my face and in my heart … Thanks, Daniel! Looking forward to more!


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