#SEENatNYCC: "The Block" Booths @ #NYCC (Day Two)

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Onell Design booth #102 featuring SkullToys hand painting Fortune Cats, Masked Uamou one-offs with handcrafted copper masks (limited to 8pcs), and finally a look at RealxHead (pics via @peterkato), while Jesse with his Callgrim Big Boy was on show (via @sidekicklab).

Healeymade at the MISHKA/Critical Hit Booth #110 sees a swell acid-fueled display of Ghosties, Bubba Grossos, Claude LaManos = basically most of them glowing in the dark like a neon raver in a nightclub of toy-dreams! (pics via @peterkato @healeymade)

Critical Hit art panels get finished and continues unto the 3rd and 4th at Booth #110, by @dimitridrj and @bananapoons, while @ropervision adds a "flag" to his skulled-warrior! (pics by @thartofskiner)


Check out the awesome table spread above of the Clutter booth #504 (pic via @sidekicklab) and the offerings from @duboseart (pic via @kris_dulfer )


"Artist Signings" is a staple of any conventions, and @cluttermagazine booth #504 saw names like Martin Hsu and Erick Scarecrow of ESC Toy, while SubUrban Vinyl had @jmunizart and @nerviswr3k on point! (gotta dig that near full-face mask tho!). Stay tuned to @suburbanvinyl for continuous instagrammage.


Kris Dulfer's side of booth #208 sees a huge variety of custom art toys, and as well a signing by @forceodorkness, and a table spread from - Stay tuned to @kris_dulfer for continuous instagrammage.

Tenacious Toys packed their booth #208 with artists demos and signings, including Adam Pratt aka @smallangrymonster, Tony Gil, and displays by Jacob Jamm. Click on the image-montage above to go direct to the Tenacious-blogpost for more on-site booth pics, and stay tuned to @tenacioustoys for continuous instagrammage.

I was quite surprised to not really see much snaps of the Toy Tokyo booth this year (especially of their own displays), save for this swell snap by @peterkato … but i reckon their "regular" customers will make their way there in the first place…

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