WIPs for Brent Nolasco's First Vinyl Figure (from Toy Art Gallery)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Brent Nolasco teases a work-in-progress full figure shot of a piece he had sculpted that is being made into vinyl in Japan, for Toy Art Gallery. Seen below is the piece in wax form. Will it make it in time for Brent's show at TAG in October?

The last time we saw a 'production piece' from Brent was his GORDO with myplasticheart, which frankly might have seen too limited a release to showcase his work to the world, so perhaps with this 9-inch tall beast (his first vinyl piece, BTW), hopefully it can reach more folks and make it to people's collection. Brent's work deserves more wide-spread recognition, IMHO.

Further product and availability details will be updated - along with a name for this guy - when I have them!

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