About That White BULLET BELT B.A.S.T.A.R.D from Skinner x Unbox Industries

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Here's a quick look at the BULLET BELT B.A.S.T.A.R.D. figure designed by Skinner and made by Unbox Industries, from Triclops Studio's B.A.S.T.A.R.D. universe - seen here in a BLANK WHITE Edition, and a 2.5" tall mini figurine "shrunk-down" version of the larger 12"-er!

This is the first time I have held the figure in hand, and I truly feel this is one exceptional sculpt! The muscled form is one of the better animal/humanoid bipedal-lifeform representation I've seen on an "art toy" piece, and the details are phenomenal - especially in the unarticulated M.U.S.C.L.E. styled mini figurine. And in stark white, you can see said details plainly, without the enhancement of paint applications, and to me, is one piece that necessitates a WHITE edition!

And while the White edition is currently NOT on the production plate to be released publicly (therein lies the rub - go on and bug Unbox if you want it to be tho heehee ;p) - I have instead news to share of two paint collabs planned with artists (names yet to be revealed publicly at the moment, but they are AWESOME), and a "Halloween edition" to come!

Sales will start mid October until the 31st, the first twenty five orders will be automatically entered into a special lottery! Further details and imagery for that, when they are releasable for public consumption! Meanwhile, here are more pics of the BB (to rub it in muahahahahaha just kidding, folks!)


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