GnB Comics' Fund Drive

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Truth be told, I had been in a quandary about posting this slice of news, as it might be deemed "self-serving", but any fear of such notions are greatly outweighed by my humbleness and sincere appreciation for the folks involved in organizing this. GnB Comics is currently conducting a fund drive, whereby there will be sketch auctions as well as art auctions to help raise funds in aid of my dad and his cancer treatments.

Artworks and details can be viewed here on Facebook.

My sincere thanks to the friends and folks at GnB Comics (most notably Leonard) for organizing this fund drive, and to artists Kelvin Chan, Keh Choon Wee, Ean Keat Ong, Ray Toh, Jerry Teo, Shawn Siow, and Noval N. Hernawan, along with Sheldon Goh, Rey Villegas, Pipin Tobing and Adrian Syaf, for their generosity in donating artworks and their time for the effort. We are supremely humbled and honored by your gestures.

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