How I Burst My Toy Budget At INSTINCTOYS @ #STGCC 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

One of the first few folks I had met on the first day of Singapore Toy Games and Comic Convention was QiSheng, who was generous enough to have me peek into his bag, to see the toys he bought from well known Japanese brand INSTINCTOY, and he had offered to remove from packaging for me to snap pictures of (seen above), and the toy-joy-poison slowly but surely seeped it's way into my very fragile pores to which I had promptly made my way eventually to INSTINCTOY's booth at Artist Alley, to satisfy my wanton toy-lust lol

And I could not stay away and went back again the second day, and walked away with more figures, including the boxless "display sample" MUCKEY. INSTINCTOY had truly taken most of my toy-money for STGCC hahahahaha my biggest 'regret' was being unable to afford both the Rainbow inc and Baby inc, and eventually leaving the baby blue cutie behind … *man-sob*

And kudos to Indra, Wijaya and Eric of the #brotherhoodoftoys for the headsup about the black inc availability. So here are straight-up score snaps to share … so that I can somewhat lie to myself these were purchased for 'work' and not just for my own pleasures muahahahahahaha ;p

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