"Army of Monkeys" by Army of Snipers Revealed! (#STGCC 20130

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Previously featured as WIPs, "Army of Monkeys" by Army of Snipers has been revealed in it's final finish! Looking like they have been unearthed from centuries of idoltry, I am truly liking these series. And as well an all-original piece debuting at STGCC is always a treat!

Luke Chueh's "Look No Evil" sees his eyeballs plucked from their sockets and in his hands, along with a "new" sculpted-signature in lieu of his bear-symbol. Angry Woebots' "Hear No Evil" rocks the headphones to drown out the noise of the devious world, while J*RYU's "Speak No Evil" sees his simian counterpart being chained and silenced by his much loved ghost girl.

Produced by Silent Stage, look for the "Army of Monkeys" at next weekend's STGCC via the Army of Sniper's booth! (Neither quantity nor prices are as yet revealed)

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