Kwadro Alas Resin-Head Dunnys by Björnik

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Björnik will be releasing Kwadro Alas Resin-Head Dunnys via come August 22, 2013 at 11am EDT - featuring customer 3-inch Dunnys come with tiny capes, lances and resin heads. Each character will be limited to five pieces and will cost US$115 plus shipping. Looking splendid as usual.
STORY: 'The four sisters became more and more beautiful with each passing day. As word of their beauty spread, kings from neighboring lands came to court the fair young maidens. And so it happened that each sister became betrothed to a king before her eighteenth birthday. When they became of age, the nobleman sent his daughters to the four corners of the land to live in their new kingdoms. He selected four of his bravest horsemen (Arjun, Aden, Ashur & Aubin) to accompany and protect them on their long journeys.'

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